Advice please! High anxiety dog and expecting?

Looking for some advice. We have a very high anxiety 3 y/o corgi that we have to separate from other dogs when we bring him everywhere, he’s on anxiety meds, food aggressive, area possessive, and needs a lot of specific care around other dogs because he’ll just lash out at high energy dogs or if there’s toys out, bones out, etc. Anyways, with my due date quickly approaching, I’m wondering what in the world we are going to do with a baby and our dog when we go anywhere because we won’t be able to quickly remove him off another dog, watch him constantly, and we don’t want to just isolate him or leave him at home/kennel him anytime we go anywhere (not to mention how expensive that is). I’m just looking for advice from anyone who has dealt with this or really has any advice of what we should do going forward. We love our dog and wouldn’t want to get rid of him but we also want to do what’s best for our growing family. Thank you for your advice in advance!