Epidural complication?

I had my baby on 8-18-20, I had an epidural which went well expect that they gave me too much & I got so numb my eyes wouldn’t open, but that was an easy fix lol well I’m almost 5 months PP & my upper left thigh is still numb, it’s so numb that my husband can poke me with a needle & draw blood & I can’t feel it. I brought this up to my OB & she basically brushed it off like I knew the dangers of a epidural & that was it. Should I get a 2nd opinion or just live with my numb leg?😅

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Second option for sure! Got nothing to lose


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Definitely get a second opinion!


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I’d get a second opinion.


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I would go get a second opinion... and mine gave me back problems so now my lower back starts hurting so bad sometimes that I involuntarily start hunching my back forwards and my left leg will turn in and try caving in on me.. 😅


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Your epidural probably caused nerve damage and that might be why you can’t feel your thigh.


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Second opinion for sure! That’s not normal!