My Birth Story- Second baby 30 mins.
I was due 12.13.20 and gave birth 12.12.20. With my first daughter I labored 12 hours and my water broke. This pregnancy at my 36 week appointment I was told I was dilated 4 cms. However each week after I still had not gone into labor nor did my doctor notice me progressing. I was scheduled to be induced on 12.18.20 if he had not cone on his own. I was expecting to be induced because I wasnt in any pain and hadn't noticed any Braxton hicks. I woke up on 12.13.20 like any other Saturday I prepared my daughter's breakfast while she sleep. I sat down on my couch and heard a pop and felt wet. A few minutes later I was in pain. I called my mom to come get my 15 month old and my boyfriend and I left for the hospital. I felt like the pain rushed in like a tidal wave. I got to the hospital breathing through each contraction but I felt like I could barely walk. The nurses had enough time to put in a IV, and notify anesthesia that I wanted a epidural. The contractions were coming faster and then the next thing I know is I'm screaming and pushing. The anesthesiologist did not make it in time. My son was born about 30 mins after making it to the hospital. My son was born at 9:39 am on 12.12.20 weighing 7lbs 4oz and 21 inches long.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.