Put up with it or change my job?

I’ll try to keep this as brief as I can. I work at a grocery store. I’m trying to save up money so that I can get married and go back to college. My fiancé is the one who makes the most money. Mine is extra.

I suffer from anxiety. Diagnosed and everything. I’ve always taken meds for it. I started working at the grocery store that I’m currently at because they weren’t very busy back in July. However, I suppose people noticed that and now the store is as busy as Kroger or Walmart. It overwhelms me as the crowds of people flood my lines.

I am qualified in many ways to work in the deli or in produce because of prior training at other jobs. Because their work involves more labor and less people I thought it would help.

I talked to my manager about my anxiety and how I wanted to transfer and she said no. That I would basically be a problem in the other departments. Though she said I was doing great in the cashier front area. When I told her I have to trade spots with people sometimes because I start panicking she said I’m not allowed to do that. I asked her if she could cut my hours just a bit. I’m working longer shifts than anyone else and it isn’t helping my situation. She said no to that too. She told me that I need to fix this myself and that it isn’t her job to take care of this for me. She gave me no options and told me that she doesn’t have to accommodate my needs because she doesn’t have a paper saying that she does. (Even though I’m officially diagnosed).

I’m not allowed to have panic attacks

I have to work the longest shifts of anyone every shift (8.5 plus)

I’m not allowed to switch to a department that I’m actually more qualified for

She then ended the conversation telling me “you said you have a fiancé right? Last I checked weddings are pretty expensive. You should be grateful for these hours. You should be working as much as you can as often as you can until you’re in your forties.” And as I left she simply said. “Just don’t be anxious, okay?”

There are other places that would hire me rather quickly but I feel weird about leaving my current job because of my anxiety. I’m trying my best to get it fixed but I was really hoping for her cooperation until the meds started working for me again. But I guess she didn’t like that idea. Idk what to do.

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