Sleeping routine advice


My 7 month old has recently started sleeping in his own room and crib maybe about 3 weeks ago. I was ebf but he wasn’t gaining weight so now I give him formula as well and I truly feel like that was made a difference. I know everyone has different views about it and it was for his health because his doctor was very concerned. I guess I just wasn’t making enough for him? 🥺 anyways. So I really believe the change has helped him sleep better and he’s sleeping his 7/8 hours at night. He’ll go to sleep about 8/9 and it never fails he wakes up at 5am. Sometimes I’m able to get him back to sleep for an hour or so but recently my husband has been trying to get me to move his bedtime to 10 pm which I don’t like at all. He gets fussy already after 7 pm so I’m not comfortable with that at all. And you know momma needs a break even if it means waking up early with the baby. He is currently taking 3 naps During the day. I try to get his last nap in around 4 pm and we start bedtime at 7:30 with bath then bottle and then he goes to sleep. Do you think I do need to let him sleep later? Cut a nap and space them out better? I just don’t want to do bedtime at 10 pm. I know some people don’t like routines and just go with the flow and that’s great but that’s not me. I need some sort of a plan (even if nothing goes accordingly I still need it lol) so if you have any tips please drop them down below. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Posted at
That’s great he’s sleeping through the night! I would stick to the 7:00-8:00 bedtime. Our daughter used to take 3 naps a day and would wake up really early. We cut out the last nap or if she does need one we keep it short, 30 minutes. We also realized that her getting fussy around 5:30 wasn’t just from being tired, she was also hungry. So we started giving her purée food around then to hold her over until her bottle at bedtime. You’ll just have to experiment to see what works for your little one! But I agree, 10 pm is too late for them at this age.


Laura • Jan 22, 2021
I’m going to try solids at 530 too to see if it stops the pre-bedtime crankies too. My LO is also teething and has been shrieking. Maybe some cold food on a cold spoon would make him feel better around that time too


TT • Jan 21, 2021
I have to agree with you on everything you said! Sometimes my husband gets off work late and asks if I can keep him up so he can see him and I’m completely struggling to get him to 730, no way we could do 10. My son has been skipping his last nap and waking up at 5ish like a lot of the other May babies. Hopefully he gets back into his normal routine soon but I think teething is bothering him a bit.


Posted at
Thank you everyone 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Posted at
7 pm bedtime. He’s gonna wake at 5 regardless


Posted at
No to the 10p bedtime... sometimes partners are a little clueless compared to mums I swear lol... all the best baby sleep books advise 7ish pm bedtimes around this age. The goal is 7-7, 8-8, etc. But if your baby is sleeping a good 8 hours that’s incredible!! A 5am wake up is very normal! My baby actually does very close to what your baby is doing but with a feeding around 2 or 3am as well. When he wakes in the morning we play with him for an hour as we brush our teeth and what not. Then we put him back down to sleep and he sleeps for another hour after a wake window of 1 hour. See if your partner will listen to the audible version of Happy Sleeper. It could help them be more informed before proposing something as questionable as 10p bedtime for a baby this age.... my partner has proposed some ill informed things as well like wondering if we could give our baby some pedialyte in lieu of a bottle of milk in the middle of the night to cut out a night feeding. 🤦‍♀️ ... and if he can’t see your perspective then ask your pediatrician together about a proper bedtime for this age. Sometimes it’s nice to lean on the experts rather than opinion v. Opinion. I’m sure your partner wants the best for your babe but baby needs sleep and mom (you!) need some time to take a shower and eat some dinner lol


Posted at
Good to read that your little one is doing well on formula! Cliché but true: fed is best. Unfortunately my little dude also wakes up around 5 am so I can’t advise you there. However, I would not go for a later bedtime. If anything I think your bedtime is quite late and I may try to give an earlier time a go.


W • Jan 21, 2021
Our goal is 6.30, on occasion later when his last nap started too late (we have severe nap struggles here 😳)


BoyMom • Jan 21, 2021
What time do you do?


BoyMom • Jan 21, 2021
So he went to sleep around 7pm last time and I’m up at 4 with him right now lol 😭😪😅


Posted at
My baby goes to bed around 9-10. Just depends on when last nap of day is or if she's hungry. I just lose track of time. If I'm on top of it she gets in bed by 8 but I hen by 10 screams because of hunger.