He needed a break!

My bf was mad at me... well be claims he not mad but haven’t talked to me in two weeks. Finally he texts me and I asked him why he haven’t spoken to Me and he said he needed a lil break from me. I asked him why? And he said he couldn’t remember. Then I said you could have told me that from jump and he goes ... he didn’t realize it till later.

What the fuck does this even mean? I didn’t do shit to him. He’s mad because he was waiting on me to do something and I was waiting on him just miscommunication and he acting like a bitch ughhhh

So do I let this go or just give him his space still?

What hurts the most is that he told me he would never leave me or treat me like other guys did and he shut me out. I’ve know this man for 7 years but we recently been together as a couple for the first time for almost a year. I really needed him and he shut me out cold