I hate this TWW!! Symptoms to No Symtoms

Hi All,

so I am currently 12dpo. From day after O I have had painful nipples and then from 5dpo I’ve had painful nipples and tender boobs. Today I am 12 dpo and I have neither?! I’m having slight cramping feeling, but nothing else. Every month I always have loads of “symptoms” but this month just sore boobs and now nothing?! I guess this is a bad sign.

I stupidly used my only test I had at 8dpo (because my boobs had been so sore and they don’t normally get like that until 2/3 days before AF) and it was a BFN obviously! 😩😩.

so as I now have 0 symptoms except slight cramping and AF is due in 2 days I guess I’m out??

I have been TTC baby #1 for 5 and a half years now. We are due to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> around March time, but just thought this could be my month and had a really good feeling about it. Sorry for the long post, but I’d like to hear some opinions 😁