
He knew damn good and well what I wanted to name the baby if it was a boy! He suddenly didn't like it because his mom didn't like the name either.

I'm so heartbroken! I thought the name was a great compromise!!

The first name - my dads first name

The middle name- my Dad and my SO have same middle name so I'd be naming him after 2 of my favorite people.

Last name- both of our last names even though we aren't married.

Apparently the name richard is a horrible name even though I think it means so much more. SO said he hates Richard because Dick is a nickname for Richard apparently.

I told him we could just call it by the middle name but still keep that as a first name.

My dad passed in 2018 and he knew how much my dad meant to me and so I wanted to name the baby after dad since I lost him and wasn't even supposed to have kids since doctors said I had a few health issues that prevented me from having kids.

He made a list of names and most of them sound like fucking dog names and they legit have no meaning to them, just some stupid shit he pulled off a website. I can't stop crying. I feel like this was a blessing sent from dad.