Things you shouldn’t do with your baby

I’ve done so much research and have talked to all my doctors ( I have 3) with my first I had such horrible ppa all I could do was research the worst really. So I kind of want to give out some info I found very informing! I’m all about natural and organic so I’m very picky lol this could help other moms like me. So these are what I’ve found that are dangerous. No judgement here at all, just want to share some insight!!! Pls don’t shame anyone on this post!!!

1. Baby cereal, specifically rice cereal was found to contain high levels of inorganic arsenic which is harmful to babies, probably even adults. It also showed high levels of folic acid. Folic acid is great but not in high levels, it could be deadly. The vitamins in it are synthetic as well. Some other options are just regular oatmeal. So so good for your babe and you can blend it to make it more fine

2. Don’t ever ever ever put rice cereal or anything in a bottle, even if it’s recommended by your paediatrician. It can cause choking, asphyxiation. It also has been proven that it does not make baby fuller or sleep longer. Instead, do spoon feeding if baby is ready. Feeding before baby’s ready can be horrible. Cdc and aap have this posted if you need a reference!

3. Bed sharing is okay when done safely! Emphasis on the safely. Follow safe sleep 7. 130 babies die a year due to bedsharing. 2,500 babies die a year due to sids, sleeping on their back, alone. Almost every case of a baby that died from bedsharing was bedsharing un-safely. So don’t feel bad for doing what works best for your family.

4. In almost all cases of sids, they have the baby most likely wasn’t “normal” to begin with. Most had an abnormality in their brain stem that made them more vulnerable to sids. My nephew passed from a brain stem abnormality. Still waiting to see if they could figure out exactly what it was. It will most likely just be labeled sids.

5. Babies cry when they need something, even if it’s just attention. But if baby is fed, changed and safe and you are overwhelmed please step away and take a few minutes. It won’t hurt baby and it will help you mentally!!

6. Please research car seat safety extensively and even go to a car seat training class if you can. Yes, it is legal to turn your child forward facing at 2 years but that does not mean it’s safe. Your child’s spinal cord is not fully stable until 6 years of age, meaning before that the chance of internal decapitation in an accident is very very high. And yes, your 4 ft 2 year old will be fine rear facing lol even if it’s uncomfy. Safety first :)

7. This is a new one I actually just learned and I’m so glad I did! Try not to feed your baby solid until there tongue reflex is gone! Never knew that was even a thing. My son is 6 months and still has it, so to let him explore instead we dab a tiny bit of food on our finger and let him taste.

8. Wooden toys!!! Much much safer for baby and the environment. Also almost impossible for them to break.

I can’t think of others right now but anyone can add any helpful tips they’ve found. Again, this is not shaming, please don’t shame. Just putting as much info out there as possible for new moms. If anyone would like any links I can post them :) just be safe and do what works for you!!

Infant cereal contains INORGANIC arsenic which it never safe to consume. Also I never said sids babies weren’t normal but their brains weren’t normal. And that is word by word of the published research. If you want to be offended go for. Keep shaming. Shows the kind of person you are. But all of that I said I’d literally backed with research so no it’s not wrong. Also your child has a way higher chance of dying alone in their crib but yes bedsharing is the dangerous option

I am sorry about your brother. But like I said my nephew died as well. It doesn’t offend me. It makes our whole family feel better knowing that it was nothing we could’ve prevented. Hope you heal from the loss ❤️ it is the saddest thing anyone will go through. The two articles I posted explain how in most sids cases they did find brain abnormalities.

Let me just point out again. My child, your child has a higher risk of dying alone in their crib than in bed with you. That being said, many many cultures bedshare and have such lower infant mortality rates than us. It is natural for babies to sleep with mom. There are many benefits but America does not teach you this. I’ve been told by multiple doctors that even they learnt that it is safe but are advised not to tell us about the benefits. 130 babies a year die yes but most do die from unsafe bedsharing. Mainly being intoxicated. It’s rare, more rare than sids. Also I’m sure those numbers also include babies that have died from sids while bedsharing as well. So yes it definitely is safer. And please read the two listed articles about sids if you don’t agree. I never said “all babies” die with a brain abnormality. Just that post mortem they have found most babies have had a brain abnormality. And I think this information is amazing because it’s one step closer to knowing why. Maybe we’ll never know but we could. Some babies yes do not show any signs of abnormalities. Like I said my family member passed. They found signs of abnormalities but was labeled as sids. Not trying to offend anyone just sharing information. There’s hundreds online you can search

Summer- yes bedsharing can be safe. Like I said 130 babies have died a year from bedsharing and most cases it was unsafe bed sharing. I am studying to be an OB :) I have a deep love and interest in the female body, birth and babies :) The US and Canada are only 2 countries in a world of 195 countries. We don’t know all but we think we do. My point in sharing wasn’t to say “you should bedshare” but to say that if you do, don’t feel bad and know that it isn’t as dangerous as it’s made out to be. Moms need to validation and support, not shame and judgement. None of my post was to say “absolutely do this” just to share insight and what I’ve learned so far. Everyone deserves to do what works best for them and their baby. I’m just trying to help :)

Here’s a very interesting, unbiased article about bed sharing