What’s going on 18monther!

Ok so my usually great napper/ sleeper has been giving me issues during nap and bed time. I would usually giver her her bottle, kiss her and bam asleep in 5 mins.

But NOW. As soon as she finishes her bottle she will stand in her crib and scream cry until she is picked up. No matter how many times I put her back down she will do this until I pick her up and basically rock her to sleep and transfer her to the crib!

Please tell me this is just a phase! I’m 5 months pregnant and I can’t keep doing this . It’s been about two weeks now and it hasn’t gotten better. She even did this at nap time for the first time today! I eventually let her cry it out, but I’m not a fan of tht .

Any tips or tricks would be appreciated!


- A tired pregnant mama 😩