IUD for period pain ??!

So I've always had painful / heavy irregular periods since I was 10.

When I was around 15 I tried birth control to help alleviate the pain. (Dr recommended) This never really helped it only made me nauseous every. single. day. 💀

I've had multiple ER visits only to be sent home with ibuprofen... & Every Dr. telling me it's normal to have period pain, & recommending birth control because apparently that's the answer to all woman health. 🙄

So fast forward to now, I'm 23, still dealing with my pain (sometimes even when not on my period) still undiagnosed...

Now I finally have a gynecologist who I *think* might be taking me a bit more serious than anyone else ever has. She's run multiple tests which told me nothing lol & she is now recommending the Mirena IUD.

Now my hope with this is to eliminate or at least severely reduce my period / pain.

I know every woman is different and I've read about most of the side effects (spotting headaches nausea)but if anyone has had similar issues with their period and has used an IUD to try and fix that pleaseeeee lmk your story 🙏🏼💕

I'd appreciate any advice