

So found out over the weekend that I’m pregnant, roughly around 4 weeks today’s. I got 2 positive results one of them being digital on Saturday and then another positive on Wednesday night before I bled a little.

Yesterday morning (sorry if it’s tmi) but had a bit of bloody discharge. I called the doctors and made a appointment straight away.

So he done a pregnancy test there, it showed up as negative at first. He done a quick physical examination then when I got up there was a second line there.

So cause it took longer for the line to come up he’s done a blood test to check my HCG levels I should get the results today. If they’re at the level for pregnancy then I’ll be back on Friday morning for another blood test again.

Says it could just be because I’m potentially so early or it could be a early miscarriage. I’m waiting on the results of my blood test now.

Has this happened to anyone before??