Vanishing symptoms



Hey ladies. I’m 7 weeks 3 days and my symptoms have seemed to vanish. Boobs don’t hurt nearly as bad, mild cramping (growth and stretching) have stopped, and I have been lucky not have morning sickness but I’ve experienced being nauseous. Is this normal?!

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Same boat. I’m due 9/11 and today I feel normal. I’ve felt terrible the past 2 weeks but today I feel okay which is making me really nervous. Had an ultrasound Monday and saw the heartbeat but today I just can’t shake the nervous feeling.


Destiny • Jan 29, 2021
I have had 3 miscarriages and suffer from a blood clotting disorder that has me on an injectable so I’m terrified.


Hayley • Jan 28, 2021
Totally get it. I was having a full on panic attack on Monday before my ultrasound. We found of my pregnancy wasn’t viable at my first ultrasound at 11 weeks at my first pregnancy, so I have a lot of trauma associated with it. It didn’t help that it took the tech what seemed like forever to find the heartbeat! I’ll be thinking positive for you. Keep us updated!


Destiny • Jan 28, 2021
Tomorrow is my first ultrasound and I’m low key freaking out!


Posted at
I just posed and asked this same thing. It’s fine lol they say we are the lucky ones. They also said well start to feel more “pregnant” once the belly actually forms. If you don’t mind me asking, when is your due date?


Destiny • Jan 28, 2021
September 12th :)