Opk , help? My tests are in comments


This is our first time actually trying to conceive . I have a general idea of how these tests work , but are my levels okay? They’re still pretty low . Will it Jump up high all of a sudden when I’m ovulating ? My cycles are long . Generally 33-35 days. Glow says I’m due to ovulate in 2 days while the Premom app says 5 days .

I’m having a hard time getting this to post so I’ll try to put the picture in comments .

My levels :

CD 13 11:43am .11

Cd 13 4:28 pm. .11

CD 14 12:23pm .12

CD 14 4:06pm. .22

CD 15 11:21 am .24

CD 15 4:45 pm .57

CD 16 11:09 am. .78 (this is today )