What does your “ovulation pain/symptom” feel like? My 1st Clomid cycle.


I am always asymptotic. My lazy lady parts give me no indication as to what they plan on doing. Never any “ovulation pain” or feelings I am about to O. Never any EWCM... My boobs only purpose is to entertain my fiancée as they are never sore... No cramps until after my period starts. 34y/o, TTC #1, 2.3 years.

HOWEVER, this is my first Clomid cycle and since about 24 hours ago, I feel “something” on both my left and right sides, close to my pelvic bones. Not pain, but... maybe pressure. Just a bit of feeling really but it’s definitely something I haven’t felt before. After being already 2 days late from my typical CD13 ovulation, I finally have a darkening line on OPK which makes me think the pressure could be O related. Clomid definitely delayed my O but I think it’s super close.

Is this what everyone talks about when they say have ovulation pain or symptoms? This is my first time with EWCM also. I’ve never been so excited about stuff leaking from my vagina!

The cynic in me is saying maybe the pressure/ discomfort and vaginal discharge is like BV or something from all the BDing but I don’t want it to be....

What do you ladies think??? Positive signs?? Maybe I wasn’t truly ovulating before Clomid despite positive OPKs?? I only started BBTing a few months ago but I have been on progesterone (3DPO to blood day) which could have been the reason for my temp increases.

FYI: My Dr is also lazy. He isn’t following me by ultrasound or sending me for bloodwork so I’m just relaying in OPK and BBT. I have had CD17 bloodwork in the past that showed my progesterone levels at 4.1 (really low).