Did COVID-19 Mess up my cycle?


Hey ladies!

So January was my husband and i’s first month TTC. I used opk’s to track my ovulation and tested a high positive on the 18th. Last night I was 8DPO and was having some cramps off and on. Then in the middle of the night I got AF with a vengeance!! Right out of the gate heavy bleeding. Almost reminded me of when I first was getting my period and ruined my sheets because I always started in the middle of the night. My period in December started on the 5th. Then my most recent period was on the 7th of January. I tested positive for Corona Virus on the 3rd. My symptoms have gone away and I feel good. But I never, EVER get my period early like this. Especially this heavy. If anything my periods are usually on the later side. My cycles usually last between 30-33 days. Could Covid-19 have caused this? I’m also taking myo-inositol and prenatals to help with fertility and ovulation. Could that have been. contributing factor? Has anyone else experienced weird periods after Covid?

I guess my husband and I will try again after this cycle. I didn’t expect to get pregnant by any means the first month trying but I didn’t think I’d start my period so early? Do you think my body knows I’m trying to conceive? Maybe I started early because my uterine lining wasn’t suitable for a healthy pregnancy? Any advice? 😩