Postpartum depression/Insomnia

I’ve been suffering with postpartum depression and insomnia even on nights my husband takes the baby to let me sleep. I was prescribed antidepressants at my 4wk pp appointment, but haven’t taken them yet. One reason is I’m trying not to take anything bc of pride and also I’m afraid how I will feel on it being a SAHM to a 6 week old and a 2 year old. At night my husband tries to take over to let me sleep but I still can’t sleep, even after taking an over the counter sleep aid, it’s still doesn’t put me to sleep. I’ve slept 8 hours in total over the last 5 days and I’m losing my mind. I’m miserable and have no family close to help me out. Only help I get is when my husband gets home from work. I’m at my wits end and just don’t know what else to do 😭