Reoccurring mastitis

🤱🏻mon • Baby Finn Born 10/6/17💙

Hello ladies! I have a 6 week old baby girl who has a really weird latch that I think may keep causing mastitis. Her lips are out, but she makes a ton of noises.. she clicks & makes sounds like she’s sucking in a ton of air. .... I just got off a 10 day round of antibiotics on Monday & this morning I woke up with a deep soreness in the same exact spot on the same breast. Funny thing is both times I haven’t had a clog or anything! The symptoms just came out of nowhere. I went to the OBGYN today for my 6 week pp check up & he couldn’t find a clog either.. but the muscle aches and chills are starting now at 7:30pm so I know it’s about to come back.. what can be causing this to come back in the same spot 4 days after finishing my antibiotic treatment?? We can’t feel or find a clog so idk what to do to prevent this?? I breastfed my son for 3+ years and the only times I’ve had mastitis with him was when I couldn’t clear a clog .... is there a deep hidden clog somewhere? I have very small breasts so idk where it could be hiding. 😰