
So I would love some advice from you all. I have no close girl friends that would not have a bias opinion on this. I’ve been married to this man for nearly nine years now. We have two wonderful children together. He is an amazing father. Not the most attentive husband but I know he loves me. But he just let it slip to me that when he is masturbating, he sometimes thinks about his exes. He is the only person I’ve ever been with so I am wondering if this is normal? Because I’m not going to lie, it hurt. So am I overthinking this? Help a girl out here!

Edit: so I talked with him about this some more. He thinks it’s normal for a guy to access any memory in his “spank bank” and that if anyone’s SO says differently that they are lying. I told him that even if that’s what he feels, knowing that it hurt me should be enough to make him quit. I am not saying that he can’t think about other woman or even not watch porn. But women that he had a relationship with is a hard no for me. He seemed like I was being ridiculous to ask this of him. Please help. I honestly don’t know how I can move past this.