Cholestasis questions?


So I’m a ftm.. and I’m 35 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I got diagnosed with cholestasis when I was around 30-32 weeks I can’t exactly remember but I asked to be tested and sure enough I had it .. well I went to my high risk doctor the other day like 2 days ago and I let her know that my regular ob said that my last bloodwork that came back my liver enzymes went down a lot and were close to being back normal since I’ve been taking ursadol 3 times a day for the cholestasis but the bile acid hasn’t gone down at all and it’s still high.. and she informed me that I was getting bloodwork taken again that day before I left so she can make sure it’s not over 100 since it’s still high.. and said if it is over 100 they would normally induce at 36 weeks instead of 37 like I already have planned.. well when I went I only had 4 days til I was 36 weeks and it takes 7-10 days in my area to get the bile acid labs back because they have to be shipped out to a national lab center and be tested so it takes longer .. but I already had an induction date set for February 9th so when those results come back anywhere between 7-10 days if there over 100 I have to be induced that day but since it’ll probably be only 1-2 maybe 3 days until I have to go in at my scheduled induction.. do you think my normal ob who is gonna deliver my baby wait the days out or just have me come in.. I don’t know what to expect I’m only 17 and this is my first child