Am I being dramatic?

My SO worked from 7:45-5. Came home and slept until 10:30. I tried to talk and cuddle up to him for 10-15 minutes or so but he didn’t really seem interested and then sat on his phone, watching videos for almost 4 hours, until his phone died.

Throughout those 4 hours I tried to get his attention. Tried to joke around with him, was talking to family on FaceTime and tried including him, tried to seduce him (usually we have sex and then watch a show together). Tried to cuddle up to him AGAIN. But he only gave a shit about his stupid ass phone so I just gave up.

Then at 2:30 he asked me if I wanted to have sex before he goes back to sleep for the night. (He doesn’t work tomorrow). I told him not really bc I tried to get his attention for HOURS and nothing but now he pays attention to me bc he wants sex? So he tried to lay on my chest (he NEVER lays on me) and I jokingly said “you’re just trying to be all cute so we’ll have sex” and he says “so you really don’t want it?” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

I’m upset that I tell him I want his attention and all he’s focused on is sex.

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Posted at
Definitely not comfortable with the comments saying that he could have just had a bad day. If HES a big boy now, he should be able to communicate that he’s tired and really just needs a break! Saves a lot of drama. I’d be irritated too tbh 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ch • Jan 31, 2021
In theory yes but it doesn't always happen. I personally sometimes have an off day and it isn't until the next day that I apologise to hubby and explain what happened. We're human, we make mistakes.


Posted at
Did you ask how work was? Maybe be had a bad day.


Posted at
Maybe he just had a long day🤷🏻‍♀️


Posted at
Alot of men do this 🤦‍♀️. Maybe he hd a long day🧐. Either way I wouldnt do it💁‍♀️