Anyone else live in an area (of the US) where birth control is not prescribed for religious reasons

I live in Alabama, in a very small religious town. All of the doctors offices near my home refuse to prescribe birth control because it is seen as immoral by many of the religious doctors (even for married women). If I wanted birth control I would have to drive far to get it to find a doctor (most likely a gyno in Birmingham) to prescribe it. I was wondering if anyone else lives in an area where birth control is not prescribed or if that is only in my county.

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Posted at
No because in our area there's a saying it ain't 1920 it's 2021 a religion should not be involved when woman's wanting to protect herself from having a child. Technically in some areas people can sue dr for bringing in religion. Because doctors are supposed to leave religion outside the door when they walk in the office.


Posted at
I’d be doing a telemedicine visit with an online prescriber for birth control. Shipped right to your door and it’ll keep all the small town religious locals outta your business until you can get the h*ll outta dodge!


Posted at
You can prder it online, theres lots of different websites with actual doctors you can talk to touch sure you are getting the correst birth control for your body. Personally I would move out of that state asap


Posted at
Is that even legal?


Posted at
Check out nurx! That's honestly so stupid this is still happening in 2021😅