4th pregnancy 🙏

Kate ❤️ • Infertility warrior ❤️ 1 x baby boy 💙 Oct 21 Pregnant 🤰 baby boy 💙 due JAN 25 Ivf cycles: 8 Miscarriages: 💔💔💔💔 Kindness Always 🥰

I’ve been told I can’t have a biological child recently after years of ttc, 3 rounds of failed

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

and 3 miscarriages but here I am in my 4th natural pregnancy hoping and praying that this might be it and I might be able to have my first child finally.

HCG testing at 35 at 11DPO then tripled by 13DPO to 135 and progesterone is nice and high. Fingers crossed I get to meet you on October 14th, 2021 🤞