Please help. Does uristat ultra affect urine sample for UTI?

I have a UTI and currently waiting in urgent care for treatment.

I always have them. I was just here 2 months ago where I tested positive for it.

I’ve always taken Uristat Ultra and when I give my urine sample its always orange of course.

I’ve never had a nurse tell me that it would afffect my results until today.

The nurse looked at it and shakes her head. She goes “ oh dear. Did you take AZO?”

Me “ I took Uristat”

Her “ You’re not going to test positive for a UTI then. Next time don’t take anything and just come in”

Me “Oh ... Are you sure? I always get UTI’s and I always have given my urine samples while on Uristat. No ones told me that before”

Her” Yes it’ll be to hard to tell if you have a UTI. So just come in right away when you feel the UTI but don’t take anything”

Me “ Really? Because I defintely can’t-make it here without it. I’ m stuck on the toilet peeing every couple seconds and I throw up, I get cold sweats, and it hurts”

Her “ I know I know but you just have to come without it”

Me “ oh okay. hopefully it comes out then”

Is she correct? If she is whatsgoing to happen? Am I going to have to wait till it’s out my system and test again in pain?