3.5 month old won’t nurse


I went back to work 3 weeks ago and ever since then it has been a struggle to get my LO to nurse. My mom feeds her breastmilk from a bottle during the day and so I think she gets frustrated when the milk doesn’t come out as quickly. We’ve used a nipple shield since birth bc I have flat nipples and she refused to latch but was doing great EBF with the shield. She’s a chunk. I pump every 3 hours at work and it seems like when I do nurse her at home my let down is super slow. I’m guessing it’s because she’s not putting too much effort into sucking and triggering the letdown. Too many times lately she gets so hysterical that we end up giving her a bottle and I have to go pump. Is a lactation consultant my only option at this point? I’d really like to avoid becoming an exclusive pumper.

Sorry this is so long, I’m just so sad about it. I loved our nursing time together and it feels like it’s coming to an end.