Today I cried because... 🥴😢🤰

Jennifer • 🎶 I make music, some people say it’s beautiful @stanleimusic 🎶

I’m 6 weeks pregnant with my first pregnancy and I’m crying multiple times a day over the most insignificant things...

This morning I cried because the kitten did a poo next to the litter box instead of inside and it stank, right as I was about to eat breakfast.

Yesterday I cried for like half an hour because I remembered my fiancé got mildly pissed off with me the night before. (We didn’t even go to bed angry we were fine!)

Please share your stories of the smallest / most ridiculous things that made you cry while pregnant so I can feel less alone ...?!

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I cried because the door slammed shut behind meI cried because my cup of tea wasn't hot enough after it sat on the side for half an hour I cried because my hair fell on to my husbands face during the nightI cried because my shoes weren't as black as they used to beI cried because I dripped a peice of paper on the floorI cried because my cat betrayed my lap and sat on my husbandOh my gosh the list goes on 🤣


Jennifer • Feb 2, 2021
😂😂😂 ahh thank you so much so good to know we’re not alone with the crazy hormones!!


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I cried because my husband had to get ready for work which then immediately turned into bawling because I want my son to have more friends and go into daycare to socialize but we're on the wait list. Pregnancy is wild.


Jennifer • Feb 2, 2021
Hahaha what a rollercoaster right!!


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Public was out of turkey bacon in my first and i cried in the store. They have been having my bacon for 20 weeks now.


Jennifer • Feb 2, 2021
Awww haha 😂🙏 i live in the middle of nowhere and haven’t cried in public yet but I’m sure it’ll happen!!


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I angry-cried because my husband got annoyed with me for leaving my purse in a Wendy's and we had already driven like 45 minutes away. I also cried because I had my arm propped vertically in the window of the car and he started closing my window so I panicked and was yelling "Stop!" and he thought I meant stop the car so he got annoyed that I wasn't more clear and I though my arm would get crushed. I had to stop myself because we were just about to stop for gas and to get Subway and I didn't want to be bawling while ordering haha. He apologized both times. My sister burst into tears because they put the wrong cheese on her sandwich once.


Jennifer • Feb 3, 2021
😂😂😂 right i can totally cry for no reason at any time even without being pregnant but now it’s just so much more frequent!!!


Br • Feb 3, 2021


Br • Feb 3, 2021
Omg I’m not even pregnant but I have having a really bad day one time, work sucked, coworkers were dicks, had some stupid argument with my bf, and I was like okay maybe I’m just hungry, all will be well as soon as I eat. I got home and saw that they put cheese on my sandwich when I asked for no cheese. I just started crying like crazy and my bf was like “😳 we can go back and get another sandwich if you’d like...”


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I feel weird because I never cry and I am almost 17 weeks 😂😂. I be chilln hard 😂😂.


Erin • Feb 3, 2021
Other than the 2 times I mentioned in my first pregnancy I never cried. Didn't at all during my second haha


Jennifer • Feb 2, 2021
Hahaha know you can have mad meltdowns and get away with pretty much anything...!! 😂😈


Kisha • Feb 2, 2021
That is so funny my sister in law is pregnant and said she was crying. My reply was “why”?. My boyfriend even said it’s weird. I’m about to start acting up 😂😂


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All I did was cry from 5 week to 9 weeks. I cried because my boyfriend made eye contact with me I cried because I painted my toe nails and they looked shitty I cried because my cat cuddled me I cried because the smell of burgers made me extremely nauseous I cried because i was having really painful period like cramps I cried because of sad songs + sad moviesI cried because I messed up my hand writing when I was doing my college paper I cried when my hair wouldn’t go into a steady bun And so much more. 😂😂 I’m 11 weeks now and I’m not lime this anymore, but it was something 🤣


Jennifer • Feb 3, 2021
Ahhhhaha oh my god I really hope it stops for me after the first trimester too!!! These are all brilliant 😂😭


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I cried bc I wanted hash brown coins from chick-fil-a but we got there 5 min too late and they wouldn’t serve them after 10:30 😂 my MIL was in the car with us when it happened and was hysterically laughing at me, which made me even more upset.


Jennifer • Feb 2, 2021
Awww totally would have cried too!!! Omg now I want hash browns.... 🥺🥺🥺


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When I first found out I was pregnant I cried for an entire month 6 hours a day 😅 Just because. My neighbors probably thought I was looney lol.


Jennifer • Feb 2, 2021
Omg I can imagine it...!! I’m only crying like half up hour a day every day at the moment !


Posted at
Oh girl itll only get worse lol ur hormones are changing so its allll normal. Just As long as you arent too depressed or feeling weird as in trying to hurt yourself then seek help from the doctor immediately. When i was pregnant just any movie made me cry, i would get mad and then cry after idk why. Lol I would cry for many things. Let ur doctor know though about your feelings or talk to someone


Jennifer • Feb 2, 2021
Aww thank you so much 🥰 I’m ok I’m not really depressed or suicidal or anything just riding the intense waves of moodiness!! I haven’t told hardly anyone I’m pregnant yet but my best friend knows and she’s my rock and had 2 kids so all good


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I was at Costco with my fiancé and I pointed out a blanket that I didn’t like and then I got upset when I asked him to buy it for me and he said no (obviously). I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall to cry. I called my fiancé for dinner, I had made steaks, but he didn’t hear me calling him. When he finally came to the kitchen he said “it’s cold” and I ran to the bedroom and cried myself to sleep. Literally cried for probably two hours.This poor man has the patience of a saint. I’ve given myself a free pass when it comes to my emotions during this pregnancy. Thank god I haven’t been too cranky, I just cry over nonsense which is SO unlike me. Don’t be too hard on yourself. In a week or two you might even be able to laugh about it 😅💗