Pregnancy Premonition


Hi ladies! I wasn’t sure where to post this so sorry if this is the wrong group. I just had a genuine question to ask & hope I don’t come off as unknowledgeable. I’ve never been pregnant before, and my husband & I have only been married a little over a month. We just got back from our honeymoon last week but I wanted to ask some questions here because I was wondering if anyone else has gone through the same thing.

I’ve been noticing that a lot of you tubers & tik tokers I watch are pregnant, just got pregnant or are trying so that was just something that stood out to me. I have two co workers who are pregnant also, so it feels like everyone is getting pregnant around me.

I’ve also had dreams about being pregnant but chalked it up to it just being a dream & nothing else.

Lately I’ve been telling my husband I want to get back into shape but could never tell him my exact reasoning for it. It wasn’t until last night that I realized something inside of me is telling to get my body back in to shape so that I can have a healthy body to carry a baby. I’m not overweight or anything but definitely not in shape so it would just generally be good for me to get back in shape but I’ve never had the desire to want to do it for that reason specifically. I can’t explain it, it’s just like something is telling me I need to be healthy in order to have a healthy pregnancy but we’re not trying to get pregnant at the moment.

I came into work this morning & my co worker asked if I was pregnant because my hair looked longer? (Mind you, she hasn’t seen me in a week so maybe that’s why. I also got my hair trimmed before coming back to work so it’s definitely not longer lol).

I asked why her first thought would be that I was pregnant & she said “I’ve heard your hair is supposed to get longer & yours looks like it’s gotten longer!”

So anyways, my question is... have any of you ladies had a premonition about getting pregnant shortly before it happened or did you see any “signs”? One girl I watched on YouTube said she could see the signs before she found out she was pregnant & that’s how she knew. I don’t have any symptoms other than sore boobs & being completely out of breath lately but I chalk that up to talking too fast...maybe? I’ve never been that out of breath before but I don’t feel it’s cause for concern or related to pregnancy.

I’m due to get my period in a few days (according to glow) so I’m just waiting. I’m not thinking I’m pregnant at the moment. But I was just curious if anyone else has had “signs” or just a gut feeling?? If I hear anything else about it, I might start believing it myself 😅

Please no mean comments, I’m just curious