Should I call? *update*


I normally wouldn’t call until closer together but I’ve been having contractions 6 minutes apart lasting a minute for a couple hours now, and I’m only 35 + 5 days.

Both of my babes came at 38 weeks and I’d hate to go in just to waste everyone’s time, but I’m worried because of how early it is. Plus they aren’t getting closer together, staying the same time apart.

Update* My OB wanted me to go in so they are going to check me and monitor me shortly. Let’s hope baby’s just putting on a show and hangs in for a couple more weeks 🤞🏼 mama’s not mentally prepared for her yet 😂

Second update* I’m 3 1/2 cm, baby is looking good, so they’ll be checking me in an hour and if I’m continuing to dilate more I’ll be admitted!

Third update* I dilated to 4 after an hour but haven’t dilated anymore since then. They’ll keep me overnight though and continue to watch as I’m still having contractions. So tired, so hungry 😭

Fourth update* After 12 hours of contractions consistently, they started tapering off around 9 pm. Hubby was allowed to get me food then thank goodness. A little bummed to have gone through all of that pain with no baby to hold in the end but I’m also glad she’s going to cook a little longer 🧡 It’s definitely got me wanting to get home and get all of the last minute things together ASAP! I have to wait till later in the morning to be discharged so till then I’m stuck in this uncomfortable bed unable to sleep. 🤪

Final update!* Still at 4cm this morning, contractions started back up earlier in the AM but with no progression my OB wanted to give me meds to calm them down, which it seems they have. Now just waiting to be discharged so I can get some uninterrupted sleep 😴 thank you for the help ladies!