UPDATE: double date as first date?

I previously posted this

So I recently starting talking to this guy I got introduced to and he asked me out kind of I guess. He said he’ll bring his mate along and I can bring a friend of mine

Is that weird for a first date? I don’t know his friend and he doesn’t know mine, I barely know the guy himself so I don’t really know. Is it even a date or are we just hanging out?

Part of me is like it eases the pressure a little bit but also I’m like why doesn’t he want to do a one on one thing. Then I’m like maybe he’s doing this so he doesn’t seem to forward or make me feel uncomfortable I’m not really sure


So I’ve totally decided that a double date will be cool I asked my best friend because she’s the only person I’ll feel comfortable with and she said “ Yeah nah I think I’ll have to pass tbh but let me know how it goes”. I’m so sad she said no it’s not even because she’s busy or anything because we didn’t organise a time and place. How do I say to the guy that my friend doesn’t want to come and if we could just hang out the two of us? Without sounding weird and almost like I’m lying.