If my husband doesn’t learn how to be quiet 🤬😡🤬😡🤬

Kaytlyn • 28. Happily married. PCOS. Mommy to 4 sweet babies JCJ 7/26/14 KRP 6/10/16 ARP 1/17/20 EMP 11/11/21 💙💙💙💜

I swear to you my husbands life goal is to wake the baby up every morning!!! I can’t do it!!!! He literally makes every noise as loud as he fucking can. He talks in a normal tone like there isn’t a baby asleep in our room, he stomps around, turns on his flashlight, goes in the other room and is even louder.... LIKE HELLO WE CAN STILL HEAR YOU! Sometimes I want to scream “shut the fuck up and go to work!!!!” Lol I swear I love him, but my god it gets old