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B • IVF Mama '22 🌈 | 3 rounds IVF | 5 embryo transfers 👼❌️❌️👶👶

Hey, hey!

How are yall? What do you have going on your way?

Nothing really new over here. Fighting the medication ordering fight. I had to split my prescriptions up to 3 different pharmacies. Ordered from Caremark yesterday for delivery tomorrow and they made a mistake in processing which resulted in deactivating ALL of my prescriptions. There's also a national backorder on HCG right now so my coordinator and I have been trying to figure that out since yesterday- luckily we finally found one that has it! I'm so happy I dont need these injectables for 2 weeks because holy crap......

Anywho, I'll update either tonight or tomorrow, likely in a separate post, about the auto immune stuff 🤞🤞🤞🤞 fingers crossed they found something.

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Posted at
Hi B, hope you get good results tonight 🤞🏼🤞🏼We had our transfer today 😊


Bre • Feb 4, 2021
Thank you 😊❤️


Bre • Feb 4, 2021
Thank you love ❤️❤️


Brit • Feb 4, 2021
Happy PUPO!


Posted at
Hi B! That sounds like a bit of a nightmare! Fingers crossed for you about the auto immune 🤞I had my retrieval this morning. They retrieved 20 eggs in total and although they were going to do a 50/50 split with IVF and ICSI they did full ICSI due to low sperm count. I got a call from the embryologist about an hour ago to say one of them didn’t survive the ICSI but 19 did so they’ve gone into the incubator and I’ll hear tomorrow about how many made it through the night. Still gutted about my fresh transfer being cancelled but becoming more accustomed to the idea of waiting. Especially now I feel a bit rubbish after the retrieval! The cramps are quite painful.


Linda • Feb 3, 2021
Congrats! My best friend also had her retrieval today and also got 20 eggs! How awesome!


Marie • Feb 3, 2021
That is wonderful news! Take care!


B • Feb 3, 2021
Oof. Sorry to hear you're uncomfortable! Retreivals are no joke- my heating pad was my best friend! On the upside, those are all great numbers. Fingers crossed for good fertilization report tomorrow!


Posted at
Hey B, I really hope you get some answers. It’s strange but it’s kind of like we want them to find something because at least then we know there is something that can be fixed. I’ve had my results the other day and they came back as Factor V Leiden mutation, MTHFR mutation, thyroid peroxidase antibodies and antinuclear antibodies. I have now been given a new protocol for my FET and seriously I’m so happy to have a plan of action. Also because I was bored at work today I have decided to visualise myself pregnant and here’s what I’ve done.I think pregnancy suits me 😆😆😆. Fingers crossed it happens soon for all of us ❤️❤️❤️.


Ge • Feb 3, 2021
Love the pic Karolina, positive thinking! ❤️


B • Feb 3, 2021
Yay!! Im glad they gave you a new protocol and that you're feeling good about the process. I am certain something has gotten in the way of me getting pregnant and staying pregnant all these years of trying. I cant wait to get some answers! Also, pregnancy DOES suit you 🤣🤣🤣. Thats an amazing way of manifestation. Love it.


Posted at
Hey B! Hope you get some good news tonight! It transfer day for me! Beta on Friday on 2/12. Hoping he sticks!!!!! Good luck to everyone!!!!


B • Feb 3, 2021
Happy PUPO!!


Kiya • Feb 3, 2021
Thank you ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Karolina • Feb 3, 2021
Congratulations lovely and keeping my fingers crossed for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Posted at
Had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks 2 days and they found the heartbeat! So excited and starting to feel quite real now. Baby dust to all!!! Very grateful for the support of this group throughout my IVF and FET cycles.


Marie • Feb 4, 2021
What a relief! That is wonderful news. Congrats!


B • Feb 4, 2021
Yay!!! Congratulations ❤❤


Posted at
Today is day 7 of stims. I had acupuncture yesterday and got some decent sleep, so I’m feeling way less crazy than yesterday. These meds/process are no.joke. Talked to my nurse in the afternoon after the team review, and retrieval could be as early as Saturday (😯). We had talked about likely retrieval Mon/Tue at my last appnt, so it’s definitely moving earlier. Anxious to see how things are at my AM appnt tomorrow...I’ll be watching for your update!


B • Feb 3, 2021
Ooohhh how exciting. Can't wait to hear about it!


Posted at
Waiting on my PGT results on our 3 embryos. It’s been a long road. And now it all rests on a test that my embryos have not been studying for 😝.


B • Feb 3, 2021
Worst wait ever lol. Good luck


Ge • Feb 3, 2021
I hope your PGT results come back good Linda! 🤞


Linda • Feb 3, 2021
Thank you!!


Posted at
Hi B! Wow the sorting of medication sounds stressful! I had a 3rd monitoring scan today, 13 days of stimulating and now I’m ready for retrieval. Got my trigger shot tonight and then retrieval on Friday! I’m excited and nervous as it’s my first one! I hope you get answers soon, I inherited under active thyroid frommy mum who also took years to conceive naturally and suffered many miscarriages. Fingers crossed we get there soon! Thanks for these daily posts! X


B • Feb 3, 2021
I stimmed for 14 days round 1 and I was so over it by the time I got to trigger, as was my belly. You are such a trooper and im glad youre finally triggering! Good luck at retreival! Im anxious to recieve my results. I have endo so im already more likely to have an auto immune disease and my mom is also diabetic and has Lupus. Luckily no thyroid issues or A1C issues this way, thankfully.


Posted at
Had my first monitoring appointment for my FET cycle. I’m cycle day 10 and my lining is already at a 12. I asked about it being too thick by transfer time but doc says there’s no such thing. Still waiting to hear from the nurse with my blood draw results and next steps. I’m finally getting excited. The failed fresh transfer definitely had me down for a while.B if you have access in your area, you should try Alto Pharmacy. They’re super customer service oriented and I’ve had the best experience during shortages dealing with them. Goodluck with everything!


Eloise • Feb 6, 2021
My doc said the trilaminar appearance is the most important thing. I’m definitely crossing all my fingers and my toes this cycle. Thanks for the well wishes!


Di • Feb 5, 2021
Good luck!! My first transfer failed with a lining of 14 or something. My second transfer cycle I got up to 23. They cancelled. But the doc said it also didn’t have a good look to it. (Assuming the trilaminar thing)... this time they are checking me two days earlier. Good luck!!


Eloise • Feb 4, 2021
Yeah I’m hoping the hormones affected the first transfer or the embryo just wasn’t viable. This time the embryo is tested so my hopes are high. 🤞🏾 Doc gave me a 65% probability. I think of it as a coin toss weighted in my favor... please God let this go my way.... 🙏


Posted at
Hi B!Waiting is always the worst...I got my date for FET and now I am on progesterone, estradiol and prednisone. I have only one normal embryo so praying to it sticks.Hugs for everyone!