Baby seems sad (help!) 😢😢😢

Justine ♡ • MAMA to a beautiful boy. ♡

My baby will be 19 weeks tomorrow, and recently weighed 14 pounds at his last appointment a week ago. Recently he’s been seeming to be more sad and bored, he doesn’t seem to be interested in anything.. and we could do a lot of things to try to make him smile or laugh and it won’t work .. He does watch some cartoons or hey bear on YouTube sometimes To be a little entertained or distracted if I’m trying to get something done .. But I’m wondering if this set him back and now anything we try to do with playing or tickling doesn’t work… He is a little behind because we don’t really do tummy time because he’ll scream and shove his face down into the blanket, so the doctor did say he needs to do more tummy time since he isn’t able to roll over from stomach to back or back to stomach or even onto his side really...Anyone have advice for why he seems so sad and bored or things I should try to do