Sex life

Please take the time to read and help out or comment im feeling really down😞My hubby never initiates sex unless he happens to have or wake up with a boner and he touches me for maybe 30 seconds makes sure im half awake and does it laying down spooning position no kisses nothing else just that till he finishes like to me that basically is him jerking off. If I initiate he rushes through it with quick boring missionary or just lays there with me on top or if I do try to initiate or tease him to get him in the mood if I dont get pushy about it he just starts doing something else or not paying attention and then no sex. Ill walk around naked or in nice underwear try to get his attention and nothing he never ever just wants to do my right there. It didnt used to be this way and yes weve talked about it till im blue in the face and he says hell try (he shouldnt have to try??) and nothing changes. How can we get back to having a hot sex life and how can I make him want me is there something I can change? I just wanna feel super hot and like he needs me right there. And I want him to be more adventurous but he always turns things into a joke which makes me self conscious about it and never seems to want to try anything. At the very least though I want to feel hot and wanted I just feel so gross and down lately like theres something wrong with me.