Trust your instincts!!!! FTM 39w5days


Yesterday morning I was having contractions and increased discharge and felt a gush at one point so I went in to get checked to see if it was my water breaking. It turned out it wasn’t but they checked me and I was still at 2cm and 80% effaced since the previous week. After they checked me I started having more regular contractions and blood streaked mucus discharge after I was sent home. They were regular, painful and about 5 minutes apart so I called and they had me come back in after I labored at home from 3pm until about 11pm and they were getting to be pretty intense. I got there and the midwife was pretty dismissive that it was active labor and said I was just dehydrated and sent me home. I was nearly in tears on the way home because the pain was so intense. I laid down to try and get some sleep but couldn’t sleep because the pain got to be unbearable! I called the hospital back and told them I needed to come back in. The midwife said that was fine but they were probably just going to give me some pain meds to help me sleep but I was in so much pain that was fine with me. I get to the hospital at about 5 am and get checked and went from 2 cm to 5 cm in about 4 hours!!! Pain was excruciating but have the epidural as I’m typing this waiting for baby boy to make his appearance! Trust your instincts ladies and don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself I could’ve saved myself a lot of agony 😩