I talked to my dr about ppd


My experience this time around with my second was different, my first c section was unplanned and I passed out from axiety

My second it was planned and I was sick from the spinal and couldn't hold baby until 10 pm that night I had her at 11:50 am I was that sick every 15 mins or so and my c section busted open my insides were having out...

I was so excited to have my little one then now I am going through ppd crying randomly feeling im not good enough which my husband ensures me I am he works full time I do too but on leave and I know he's tired but he couldn't help me the past few days with her cause he had to open and close the mechanic shop his mom keeps promising me to help me with her and my 3 year old and she has called me Tha past 5 days saying she was sick everytime which is a normal excuse from her it's ok..

Lack of sleep and I've had terrible migraine I was breastfeeding and I guess she's not getting enough milk from breast pump is still not in so I've had to supplement and that's got me defeated right now..

So I told my dr how I feel about crying all the time feeling worthless not wanting to eat having hard time sleeping because I worry with anxiety and depression about how good enough I am for my newborn and he gave me valium and wellbutran and told me to take them I really hope I can feel better soon because I just feel terrible all the time.