Ok ladies I need help

Lacey • Married 💍 to an amazing man🧔🏻, mama to a handsome little boy 👦🏻 born 6/9/17 and a beautiful baby girl 👧🏻 born 3/15/19 Pregnant with baby #3 due December ❤️

Who’s good with cervix positions and cervical mucus while TTC. I’m stupidly having a hard time understanding things and need just a bit of help. I know that my cervix rises up and opens during ovulation but from what I though due to cervical mucus I ovulated probably around January 29th but today I checked my cervix around 6:45pm and it was still super high, kind of soft and it feels open. Maybe it’s not really open and I’m being paranoid but I don’t really know what it feels like opened or closed. I’m just lost and feeling kind of down during my tww.