How did you know when your family was complete?


I have 2 beautiful boys (4 years & 18 months). I always said I wanted 2 or 3 kids and it makes me really sad to think of never having a baby again but at the same time I don't know if I would want to do the baby stage again whilst have the other 2 boys to look after.

I would love a girl too but obviously there is no guarantees. My husband is happy with 2 and isn't really wanting a third. We manage fine financially and our childcare works with 2. But I just don't have that compete feeling. But then will I ever? I was reading other posts that said also people with 3 and 4 kids struggle to give enough attention to each individual child as they are older which I've never thought of. I'm not saying parents can't give enough attention I'm just wondering if parents feel this. I know with 2 young kids myself I always feel guilty I can't give each child all my attention. I have just turned 32 and if I wanted a third I think I would wait until my boys are 5 and 8 so it's a bit easier this time but then I would be 36. I know that's not old but I had my first at 27 and would. I want to go back to that. Anyone else feel as confused as me? I know it's really horrible to say but if I had 1 of each I probably would feel complete.