Feel like my relationship is ending..

Nicole • Momma x2 💚💜+🌈🤰

I've been with my partner a little over 5 years now, married almost 2 years (April 20th). I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant with our 2nd child and I just feel like our relationship is all but over at this point.. We fight constantly, we don't have sex anymore.. honestly, I feel so disrespected by him by now that I cant stand the idea of him touching me. I can be quite outwardly angry about things, but I've always been very forward and honest about what is bothering me. On the flip side, he's much more reserved and will let things fester until they come out in passive aggressive ways, or with just the nastiest attitude that I just cant understand.. I feel like he acts more like a 15 year old than an adult.. I know I've played my part in this.. but I just dont want to keep fighting.. I feel like it's a loosing battle.

We both work full time, but whenever I have even a minute on break (I am working from home rn due to covid), I am always trying to get things done around the house, because I know once our son gets home there will he no time. But he wont even bother to help with anything when he gets home. He just complains he's tired or says he forgets. I wish I could just "forget" everything, but then out household would fall apart. He wasn't like this when we first got together, and I dont want to have to force my partner to be an equal contributor. I have brought this up with him, but nothing seems to change. It's only gotten worse. I am so tired being a mom, pregnant, and working full time and I feel like I have no help.

I realize if he doesn't want to care, want to help, that I cant force it. The more I say the less he seems to care.. and that's what circles back to the point of I dont want to be touched by someone who doesn't respect me..

I know at this point its all futile. He'll lie about things now, try to manipulate me, accuse me of shit when I have absolutely no time or even leave the house.. which by the way, I legit haven't in over a week now as he now uses my car (He doesn't have one, only has his G2).

I guess I know it's over but it's so hard to truly face. Tonight he passed out around 9 without saying anything to me, so I've spent the night alone and have had some time to think.

Feels good to get this out in writing.. 🖤