Pacifier and breastfeeding


Has anyone had any issues while breastfeeding and using a pacifier/dummy?

My 3rd baby is exclusively breastfed and is now 12 weeks old. We give her a dummy throughout the day and night and it is so handy. However, she has changed her latch and is clamping painfully down on my nipple and has kinda cut the underside with her gums. Quite painful.

My 1st baby refused a dummy and I never had any problems breastfeeding but she also refused bottles and I had to always be near to breastfeed if she got upset.

My 2nd child was very restless and constantly cried. Giving him a dummy at 4 weeks was a game changer. However at 12 weeks his latch changed and breastfeeding was incredibly painful until he self-weaned at 10 months.

Im worried with my 3rd child that the dummy is the issue. I dont want to stop using a dummy as I have 3 kids under 3 and it calms her down so quickly.

Has anyone gone through this?