Possible Positive?

Hey guys! I am 11 DPO and decided to take one of those cheapie HCG strips that come in the ovulation kit. I have been having all my normal period cramps and bloating and acne and honestly didn’t think I could be pregnant this month. I took the test this morning with my FMU and a line showed up! Has anyone else gotten a line like this so early? Did it end up being a chemical? I’m not supposed to start my period for three more days so I’m trying not to get my hopes up! Any advice or experience is welcome!!

*I had a miscarriage at 6.5 weeks back in September and I had all my PMS symptoms and no pregnancy symptoms like sore breasts or morning sickness, so that is why I am so worried because it just feels like I’m about to start my period with no added pregnancy symptoms. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Please, if you had a successful and healthy pregnancy and felt like this at first, tell me! I need to know I’m not the only one. ☹️