Breastfeeding newborn


My little is 1 week and 3 days and the doctor wanted me to supplement 2 bottles a day to help him gain weight. Which I do morning and Night. I’m concerned he will get lazy and not want the boob anymore due to him having to work harder for it. And have been stressing about this this is my last baby and I want to continue me journey any advice would be nice.

He also seems to be hungry all the time and I can’t tell if when he is on the boob if he is eating good or using it as a pasey. I feel like I’m constantly having him on the boob he sometimes gets hungry after an hour and 30 mins. I don’t have been pumping also which I just started a few days ago. Sometimes I have a good supply then others I don’t cause he has continued to eat. I’m worried he isn’t getting what he needs