Early Ultrasound Question


I have my initial 8 week appointment scheduled for 2/25, but I really want to see if my doctor will let me come in a week early on 2/18. I have family coming in from out of state on 2/19, they think they’re coming to help me shop for a wedding dress, but we’ve decided to postpone the wedding since finding out I’m pregnant, and I want to tell them in person but would prefer to have the ultrasound picture already to show them!

Do you think that’s selfish? Has anyone had an ultrasound at 6-7 weeks, I’m also worried there won’t be much to see, and it’ll make me worry. Truly I really have no idea how far I am, I haven’t had a period since November, but I took a few pregnancy tests in December/early January and they were all negative, so that makes me worry also 😩