Ingrown toenail while pregnant


Hey guys, so I've always had a slight ingrown toenail and have been able to clip it no issues but since getting pregnant, my feet have been swelling making it harder to clip the nail. I tried to use a tool to pry the nail up and clip it like usual but my hand slipped and I lightly stabbed my toe where the ingrown nail is. It wasn't anything major, it bled a tiny Itty bit but huuuuuuuuurt so bad. Anyway. Now we are on day 2 and my toe hurts so bad I can't step on it. I tried to go in there and see if I could try clipping the nail again before the site swells up more but then pus came out and it was a painful mess. I couldn't do it. Im soaking my feet now but im not sure if I should go to urgent care... im 29 weeks pregnant .... it looks like there's an infection now but I dont have a fever.... pls help 🙏