4 months since miscarriage still not pregnant

Katherine • “If u want 2b sad, no1 in the world can make u happy. But if u make up ur mind 2b happy, no1 & nothing on Earth can take that happiness from u”~PY

I had a miscarriage at the end of October 2020 and have been trying for the last three cycles with no success 😔. I spot for days before af and then when AF comes it's barely a flow. I wouldn't be so concerned about 3 cycles, but I am 35 so it doesn't help. Anyone experience this and get pregnant eventually? I have a 2 yr old daughter and obviously have been able to get pregnant before, so I know it's possible... But still nervous! I go for blood work this week to test my hormones, I'm almost hoping there is something wrong so that I can take something to help it!!