Family Issues

Does anyone else have issues getting along with their sister - in - law?

She is currently living with us - and she has a bunny. I have no issue with letting the bunny roam the house, as long as she is watching it - but I have a dog & two cats - and she seems to think it’s okay to let the bunny roam - and hold back my animals - because the dog will play bite the bunny.

She also doesn’t really clean up after herself (or the bunny) she eats our food - and she is behind with her rent & what not.

I’m due in 26 days - and she’s upset because I don’t want her boyfriend over - and I want to make sure that the baby isn’t allergic to the bunny. (I’ve figured out how to separate the animals from the baby)

I understand that she is fresh 18 and we are at two different stages in life, but I feel like anything that my husband & I say to her - she takes it as I don’t want her in the house & I don’t like the bunny. She complains to her mom - and then her mom tells my husband - and it looks like I’m just mean & over protective.

I just don’t know what else to do - I’m annoyed & I feel stressed.