Husband made redundant today

I suppose I just need to vent. I’m 40+5 with a toddler at home waiting to go at any time. My husband has just been made redundant, like today, completely out of the blue, his work are being really sneaky and basically what they are doing is illegal. Had legal advice already but looks like it will cost far too much with no guarantee on outcome. I feel so bad for my husband. And letting him vent and trying to keep my worries to myself and not show him how upset I am. But I am devastated. I feel so low and can’t believe at any minute I’m going to have this baby and I’m worried I’m not going to enjoy it and we have been so excited about his/her arrival. I feel this redundancy has overshadowed everything. Hoping that maybe by venting here il feel better, really trying my best to not let my husband know because I know he’s feeling like crap already and not fair on him.