Thinking At Once

Lately I have been feeling so overwhelmed with things and I have lost sight of myself. I always feel like I’m doing things for people instead of myself. I am constantly being there for people but I don’t be there for me. I was on a journey of self healing and meditating, but I lost sight. Me and my bf broke up because he has been dealing with depression and he wanna get himself together. When he texted me all happy and wanting to talk, I instantly thought about me not losing myself but I did. I been craving attention and affection from him but I learned to turn within myself kinda. I forgot about journal prompts and poetry and meditation. School has been kicking my ass and I am not used to being back in school yet.

I feel like they just crammed a whole bunch of work in a couple of months. I have yet to do anything for myself because I been taking care of my car. I am kinda new to my job and I feel like I don’t be confident enough, I always judge myself and compare my progress to another new person. Sometimes I just wanna yell and just be alone for a while, kick back and go on a free vacation. Just get away and really focus on myself. I have been dealing with working things out with my father as well, forgiving him.

I have learned that I have fibroids and thinking about surgery haven’t been on my mind till now. I want to have kids and I want to be healthy as well. I am 21, I got my whole life ahead of me.