Has any ever had pain near there uterus that comes and goes but last min of 2 days


So I know you’ll say go to your doctor which I have booked an appointment for tomorrow but I just thought I’d ask on here in case some of you ladies have had the same thing.

I am 25 years old and recently have been having this sharp sudden pain which I can only describe as horrible where my uterus is. Of course I’ve done some research and some of the things it suggested I don’t think I have as my periods are normal and not heavy and I only have this pain as a symptom that’s it.

This pain comes and goes throughout the day and has been since it arrived a couple days ago.

I’ve never had it before and at first thought it was trapped wind as sometimes if your constipated it can be quite painful but I’m pooping fine and passing wind fine, I’m also not having trouble having a pee either.

So I just wondered if anyone else experienced this and whether it was bad or not too bad.

Oh the other thing I’ve been suffering with is upper shoulder blade pain, like right underneath the shoulder blade I have to have my partner push on it while I bend backwards to relieve pain which again comes whenever it wants too

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