Crazy Morning sickness


Am I the only person with morning sickness sooo bad you just had to break down & cry !?

I can’t seem to eat every couple hours and when I don’t I feeel soo nauseous , dizzy & weak to the point I feel like I’m going to pass out . No matter how much I eat I still don’t get full enough to satisfy my hungry . I have to force myself to drink water because I constantly have this nasty sour taste in my mouth and i hate drinking water over it . 😢😢.

I can’t finish a full bottle of nothing . Juice . Soda ..water .

I definitely get nauseous when I take a shower so I throw up every morning when I get out .

I just hope I can finally see my baby and the heartbeat on Tuesday.

I believe I’m about 7 weeks 4 days. Last ultrasound my sac measured 6weeks 2 days but no fetal pole. They did see something questionable that could be the start of one . I’m praying the baby is fully developed now. I should be 8 weeks 2 days then. 🥺