What do Braxton hick contractions feel like ?

Grace 🦋 pcos 🌻 👧🏻👧🏼👼🏼

I’m wondering what Braxton hick contractions feel like? I’m 28 weeks and 2 days today and I’ve been getting these weird cramp like pains in my stomach . They are very short and quick but I’m also getting freaked out because i feel like I don’t really feel my baby move anymore . If I do it’s very small and doesn’t last long . I was starting to feel her move more weeks ago so I feel like it’s weird that now all the sudden it’s almost like nothing . I do have an anterior placenta and I’m being sent to maternal and fetal medicine next week for possible growth restrictions . So this is all kinda freaking me out , I did contact my dr but I haven’t heard back yet .